
2024-10-11 A new step-by-step tutorial shows how to set up daily lottery in Zapier deciding which customers get access to next day's daily recurring event using waiting lists.
2024-08-22 Using the 'reservation form item' rule of Pricing Manager, you can now verify the validity of any reservation form item field using a regular expressions (regex) pattern. This allows for a precise validation of fields such as license plate number or member number etc., see more about this in Q371.
2024-08-14 We now accept payments in Bitcoin Lightning Network
2024-08-14 You can now accept payments in BTC (Lightning Network) via the Bitvolo / integration.
2024-07-15 Each pricing manager rule can have an optional comment explaining the purpose of the rule; by default it's not visible to the customers although this can be configured on the 'Reservation form info box' page
2024-07-12 New video tutorial: Setting the price based on form item choices
2024-07-10 Pricing manager rules which check for customer's reservation history can now check for reservations of any selected resource
2024-07-10 Paging added to the reservation lists in the customer view template
2024-07-01 You can now configure automatic cancellation of reservations that don't get confirmed within specified time.
2024-05-13 The time when the daily reports are sent out can now be specified with the 30min precision.
2024-04-24 If for your invoicing you'd like to generate EU SEPA or Swiss QR codes, you can now use specific tags for this, see Q361 for the EU SEPA QR codes and Q358 for the Swiss QR bill.
2024-04-17 New updated versions of our frontend app are now available in the iOS and Android app stores. The new versions should add compatibility with the latest OS versions and devices.
2024-04-03 New updated versions of our backend app are now available in the iOS and Android app stores. The new versions should add compatibility with the latest OS versions and devices.
2024-03-28 You can now use the tags $(agree_url) and $(agree_and_pay_url) in your emails in order to have your customers agree to your conditions, and optionally make an online payment as a second step. This is especially useful for reservations entered into the system by the administrators (e.g. quotations) where you need customer's agreement to your conditions as part of the booking process.
2024-03-20 There's a new event log which shows events related to all reservations in given site. This log is useful to track the latest events in your site or track reservation-specific actions (such as check-in, confirmations, cancellations, modifications, reservation locks etc.) carried out by a specific moderator. As previously, configuration changes are available in a separate site administration log.
2024-03-11 On the main settings page you will find a search box which allows you to quickly find configuration pages based on any keyword related to an option on given page.
2023-12-27 The GA4 extension will now also work with Google Tag Manager accounts.
2023-11-16 New report type is available: listing of coupon payments
2023-10-20 The new restricted arrival/departure dates page allows you to define specific dates when arrivals and/or departures will not be possible. A similar functionality was already possible for specific weekdays, see Q185 for detailed information about these features.
2023-07-27 We have a new video tutorial meant for new users of the Planyo booking system. It will let you get familiar with the layout of the Planyo backend.
2023-07-15 Reservations can now be cancelled automatically after the specified time period with a higher precision (expressed in hours rather than days). As previously, the automatic cancellation can be triggered by insufficient online payment within a specific time, insufficient number of participants or when customer fails to do a check-in.
2023-06-16 A new page 'Reservations modified by client' is now available (via the Reservations menu) - it allows you to see a list of all the latest modifications made by your customers.
2023-05-31 New integration with Make (formerly Integromat). This integration allows you to connect Planyo with thousands of other cloud apps. Thanks to Make, even if there is no dedicated integration with another app you're using, you can create a Make automation (scenario) which will integrate the two apps for you. See more info and a video tutorial in Q356.
2023-05-05 You can now organize your reports into folders / categories. Once you do this, you'll be able to use a dropdown filter with your custom categories to easily find the desired report in the listing.
2023-04-28 Another new report type: listing of shopping carts - this report shows a list of shopping carts checked out within given period
2023-04-28 The Google Analytics (GA4) extension now allows you to define custom parameters (in the data layer) to be sent to GA4 tag manager. These parameters can have the context of a reservation, resource or site and the value can include all available planyo tags in given context (e.g. any reservation-related data.
2023-04-27 There's a new report type: listing of customers arriving - this report shows a list of unique customers who made reservations with arrival (start) time within given period
2023-02-17 If you require that you customers sign a contract once they make a reservation, you can now automate this process. See Q350 for more info and a step-by-step video.
2023-02-02 You can now define specific dates on which arrivals or departures are not allowed. This was possible previously but only for specific weekdays of a season (in seasonal settings) or for specific dates using pricing manager rules with an unavailability message. The new feature is much more convenient to use if you have a number of dates throughout the year where arrivals/departures cannot take place (but rentals' duration can include these dates).
2023-01-18 For any email notification sent to the customer you can now use a different reply-to address, for example the customer's replies can go to the resource admin instead of the main email address of your site.
2022-12-29 The backend now includes a Message Inbox page where you can quickly access all unread messages from your customers requiring your staff's attention.
2022-12-29 The reports you may want to share with team members without access to your Planyo site can now include 2 types of secret URLs: either a predefined report which always generates results for the same period or a new type of secret URL which allows your staff members to choose the period for the report as well as some filters such as reservation status, output type (html/csv/pdf) and a form item filter. The new secret report is more flexible but will not give access to information you may not want to share such as reservations for different resources etc.
2022-12-27 The reports 'total reservations and earnings' and 'total rentals and earnings' can now be configured to break down the totals not only by period (day/week/month) but also by single resource.
2022-12-21 The waiting list feature can now be used with sites which use the shopping cart. If normal reservations are mixed with one or more waiting list requests, planyo will move all the waiting list requests into separate shopping carts at the checkout time so that regular checkout processes such as online payment etc. can be carried out normally. If at a later time a waiting list request is upgraded to a valid reservation, you have the possibility to move both reservations into the same shopping cart again.
2022-11-27 The Planyo infrastructure has been moved successfully to Zurich, Switzerland and is spread across 3 data centers for redundancy.
2022-11-11 New integration with the physical access control system With CampTrac's physical access control solutions you can increase the security of your spaces and get rid of all the hassle related to physical keys. This extension will automatically connect with the CampTrac servers whenever a new reservation is made or confirmed and will generate PIN or QR codes which you can present to your customers in an email or SMS. Read more here
2022-11-08 Reservations can be manually or automatically locked. Locking a reservation prevents any changes to it which could be useful in a number of situations such as preventing moderators from modifying past reservations for an already closed accounting period, or for future reservations where an employee who's in contact with the customer wants to make sure other employees don't change it in any way, or you can also use the locked status to prevent the customer who is normally able to modify or cancel their reservation (e.g. having the modification url sent to them by email) from doing any modifications. You can configure automatic locking of reservations (in active features) where past reservations can be locked after the specified number of days from the departure (rental's end) time.
2022-10-31 New extension: Cisco Webex online meetings. This extension makes it possible to automatically schedule an online meeting/conference with Webex every time a new reservation is entered into the system or add invitees to pre-scheduled webinars.
2022-10-22 In the tag playground you will find a convenient way to quickly test code snippets which include tags in the context of a specific reservation, resource or in the general site context.
2022-10-22 New integration with the physical access control system With igloocompany's physical access control solutions you can increase the security of your spaces and get rid of all the hassle related to physical keys. This extension will automatically connect with the igloocompany servers whenever a new reservation is made or confirmed and will generate PIN codes which you can present to your customers in an email, SMS or the confirmation screen. Read more here
2022-10-07 Non-technical users can now change the styling by switching to the simple visual style selector. In this case you don't edit the CSS source code but you visually choose colors, fonts and font sizes of different items. Note that at any time you can switch between the CSS source mode and the visual style selector and continue customizing the look using either method.
2022-10-04 The main administrator can allow specific moderators to be able to add/remove/manage other moderators and their permissions.
2022-10-01 You can now change the default value of the checkboxes 'Recalculate the price' (on the modification page) and 'Send emails to client' (on the modification and new reservation page).
2022-09-20 If your site uses resources priced in different currencies, you can now also add coupons of type "prepaid amount" for the different currencies your site works with.
2022-09-09 It's now possible to generate temporary iCal feed URLs. If you give away an iCal feed URL to another person (e.g. an employee or a partner), it's possible that some point in the future you'll want to revoke this access to personal information, e.g. when an employee or a partner no longer works with you. This could be very important for security or privacy reasons. See Q344 for more info.
2022-08-01 It's possible to add ore or more moderators on the metasite level.
2022-07-19 A new site administration log is available. It logs all administrative actions performed by the admins, moderators and via the api which affect any of your settings. The log will help you understand how the different areas of your site are administered, which user is responsible for a particular setting update, and can be helpful in determining which functions should be made unavailable to specific users.
2022-04-30 For the "quick add to cart" shopping cart implementation, follow the instructions from Q339 to see how you can allow your customers to add additional products to their shopping cart reservations before the checkout.
2022-03-14 In Site Settings / CSS style editor you will now find an option (called 'Use single date range picker for both arrival and departure dates') which changes the way the start- and end-date calendar pickers work. It will show both arrival/departure dates on a single calendar view along with the entire stay highlighted visually. It's a valid alternative to separate calendar pickers especially for full day- or night-based rentals.
2022-02-10 If you're allowing customers to upload a custom document during their reservation process, you can now make this step obligatory before they arrive at the online payment.
2022-01-26 New payment gateways: DOKU - Jokul Checkout, Clover Checkout, PayPal Checkout, Pay360
2021-12-16 In the light of the latest vulnerability CVE-2021-44228 (Log4Shell) in the Log4j library, we'd like to announce that we have never used this library and so this vulnerability does not concern any Planyo user.
2021-12-16 New tutorial video: This video shows how to tell Planyo when your resources can be reserved along with other conditions: rental duration, how early/late a reservation is possible etc. You'll also see how to mark recurring or one-time periods as unavailable
2021-10-29 The upcoming calendar style can now show prices for each available time slot listed.
2021-10-27 Additional products can now be priced in a different currency, to match the currency of resources compatible with these products. This feature is only available when you allow your site to use more than one currency.
2021-10-25 There's a new mode for the wide calendar preview: it can show the prices on top of availability information for given time slot. This will work for all day-based resources as well as hour-based resources which are either events or have defined start hours. This new mode is especially useful if you use 'daily pricing' where the pricing differs from day to day.
2021-10-06 If you need to have more than one resource admin, then now there is a way to accomplish this. Besides the single resource admin, you can add a new moderator to your site and then limit the moderator's permissions to a single resource or selected resources. This will practically give the new moderator the same access as a resource admin.
2021-08-02 We have a new video tutorial demonstrating how in just a few minutes you can configure Planyo to allow your site visitors to schedule an introductory call with your team using a Zoom account. We have similar integrations with Google Meets and Microsoft Teams.
2021-07-26 New: Custom unit properties allow you to store any number of values for a specific unit of a resource, or for the resource itself (no unit specified). What is special about unit properties is that each value is set at a specific time point and Planyo keeps the entire history of the values across time. This allows you to implement things such as keeping track of the number of kilometers travelled (odometer reading) or storing physical location of a resource on given dates.
2021-06-16 Similar to when using the planyo backend app for mobile devices, you can now scan QR codes from your customers (e.g. to quickly go to their reservation details page or to do the check-in) using the regular planyo backend (on mobile phones and tablets).
2021-06-08 We've reactivated the Coinbase commence payment gateway which allows your customers to pay with Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies.
2021-06-07 You can configure automatic refunds in form of coupons issued to the customer.
2021-06-05 New payment gateway: Borgun SecurePay
2021-05-01 New payment gateway: SimplePay
2021-04-15 New payment gateway: Crédit Agricole Up2Pay
2021-04-01 New payment gateway: Payrexx
2021-03-24 New payment gateway: PostFinance Checkout (Switzerland).
2021-03-09 New extension: Microsoft Outlook calendar integration. This extension lets you accomplish an automated 2-way synchronization between your Planyo and Outlook calendars. Outlook events will be imported into Planyo as vacations and all Planyo reservations will be exported to Outlook.
2021-03-09 New extension: Microsoft Teams / Skype online meetings. This extension makes it possible to automatically schedule an online meeting/conference using Microsoft Teams or Skype every time a new reservation is entered into the system.
2021-03-09 New extension: Google Meet online meetings. This extension makes it possible to automatically schedule an online meeting/conference using Google Meet every time a new reservation is entered into the system.
2021-03-01 You can now easily manage "special" resources which shouldn't be visible in your resource listings, search results, calendar previews and other widgets. There's a new option to mark a resource as reservable only via a special url in resource settings / reservation process. In this past this was of course possible using filters such as custom resource property-based filters but now it's done easily with a single checkbox setting.
2021-01-27 When using the 'daily pricing' rule in Pricing Manager, it's now possible to import daily prices from a CSV. Previously it was only possible to set daily/weekly prices from the Planyo UI.
2020-12-02 Additional products can now be exported and imported using the CSV format. This can be useful when setting up similar products in different planyo sites.
2020-12-01 The shopping cart widget now has two more features: 1. Slide-in panel which shows all products in the cart and lets the user quickly remove them and also do a quick check-out 2. Fixed position for the widget, very useful for long pages and especially mobile devices
2020-11-10 For our customers using Squarespace as their CMS we now have a step-by-step tutorial at
2020-11-03 You can now limit the possibility to purchase coupons only to logged-in customers.
2020-11-02 It's now possible to use a single Planyo login with the mobile backend app installed on multiple iOS/Android mobile phones. Until now this was limited to one device.
2020-10-19 Coupons can now be issued and purchased on the metasite level and used with any site belonging to the metasite.
2020-10-12 You can now limit the size of the waiting list to the desired number of reservations.
2020-09-30 You can now define global (universal) header / footer for all the email notifications sent to your customers.
2020-09-30 We've released the Viator (formerly TripAdvisor Experiences) integration: Whenever there's a reservation on Viator, the reservation details will be automatically sent to your Planyo account (the modifications and cancellations will be synchronized as well). Also, the availability of your Viator products will be controlled by Planyo to prevent overbooking. Read more...
2020-09-02 We now have added the waiting list feature! See Q326 for a detailed description.
2020-08-06 We've released a second option for a unit layout map. In case your resource has multiple and named units (e.g. seat numbers, camping spots etc.), you can now upload an image-map and an accompanying image and planyo will use this image map to allow the customer to pick the place/seat visually on your image and imagemap. The image-map can include shapes such as rectangles, circles and even complex polygon shapes. As with the previous table-based version, the units will be marked with a green/red color to immediately show availability to the customer.
2020-07-03 Permanently lower PRO-COMM commissions! We're lowering the entry point for the 1% and 0.5% commission rates (respectively, after CHF 50 and CHF 200 paid in commissions in given month, instead of the previous values of CHF 100 and CHF 400). We're also lowering the minimum commission to CHF 0.07 after the first 1000 reservations in given month.
2020-05-16 New integration: Automates all the check-in process from the booking confirmation till the check-out. One of the most popular features of Chekin is the legal compliance. In many countries you are required to register your guests with various authorities, such as the police department. With this extension this process can be automated. Your guests will be sent a link where they can do a self-identification online check-in. This solution helps hospitality companies automate the collection of all the necessary information from a guest prior to arrival as well as already at the check-in. At this time CheKin is supported in most European countries like Spain, Italy, Germany, France, UK and in some South American countries.

This integration is a part of our accommodation package where you can add as many accommodation-specific extensions as you like and the monthly fee for the extensions won't exceed CHF 15.
2020-05-14 You can configure different pricing (e.g. discounts) for mobile app users using a new pricing manager rule.
2020-04-30 You can now send a one-time custom SMS to your customer (or a whole list of customers via 'bulk manage items') as you could do until now with email. Similarly to the email messages, this can be useful to inform a group of customers of last-time changes in an event happening very soon.
2020-04-29 You can now immediately send a custom text message to a group of customers in the same way as you could do this until now for a single reservation. The message can contain tags so it can still be personalized for each customer. This is useful if e.g. you have last-minute communication you want to send out to a group of customers arriving on given day or for given event. You can access this feature from the 'bulk manage' page which in turn can be access from a number of pages in planyo, including 'reservation search'.
1. Offer online meetings to your clients: You can use our Zoom extension to automatically export Planyo reservations into your Zoom account. This will work for one-on-one meetings and group meetings/webinars. read more...
2. Limit the number of customers who can visit your establishment simultaneously: Due to the official regulations in your country, your business may be forced to limit the number of simultaneous visits. read more...
2020-04-14 We've added an integration with With this extension Planyo reservations can be automatically exported into your Zoom account as newly created one-to-one online meetings or as new registrants being added to existing group meetings or webinars.
2020-03-13 The new tag $(mark_reserved_url) - which lets the customer perform the 'mark as reserved' action on their own - allows for the following scenario: you create a quotation for the customer and in the quotation email they receive the link which allows them to upgrade their quotation to a regular valid reservation if they're happy with the quotation. Note that if your reservation form has an 'agreement' checkbox, then the customer will need to select it (agree to your terms and conditions) in order to perform this action.
2020-03-09 New Accommodation Package
You can add any number of external channels (like, Expedia, TripAdvisor TripConnect, TripAdvisor Vacation Rentals, AirBnb, HomeAway, Staah, Syncbnb) and the total monthly cost of adding these extensions to your Planyo site will not exceed CHF 15.00
2020-02-04 Compatibility with Bootstrap 4 (on top of existing compatibility with Bootstrap 3).
2020-01-17 It's now possible to configure vouchers so that voucher codes already used in a reservation cancelled by anyone or only by the admins will be usable again for other reservations. This option already existed for coupons.
2020-01-17 It's now easier for developers to style the content displayed by planyo in advanced integration -- the top level element will now have helpful classes which indicate the mode being displayed (e.g. resource listing, search results etc.) as well as one of the width ranges available to the planyo content inside the webpage into which the advanced integration is embedded.
2020-01-13 Custom resource properties now have extra attributes: icon and default visibility in the resource details and listings templates (via new tags such as $(resource_property_list) -- see Q205). This greatly simplifies listing of amenities used by a hotel or holiday home. We also present a potential listing of popular amenities when creating a new site of type 'hotel' or 'holiday home'.
2019-12-19 Two new report types are available: confirmation time and checkin time. Both allow you to list reservations which were confirmed (or checked-in) between selected dates.
2019-12-17 You can now add the "initial reservation form items" widget to the resource details template using a tag. Both this widget as well as the "price preview" widget will now also prefill dates if the customer entered the resource details page from search results.
2019-12-02 If you're using a visual layout map for units of a resource, you can now much further customize the map by using an external CSS stylesheet (e.g. to add an image background) and/or render the units using div tags instead of a table (e.g. for more precise positioning).
2019-11-29 You can now export reservation form items (along with automatic updates' rules) to resources from other planyo sites via a CSV file.
2019-11-26 In 'Active features' you can decide whether end customers' IP address should be recorded along with the personal data entered in the reservation form or if it should not be stored in order to match your own privacy and security policy.
2019-11-20 In the reservation details you'll now see the before/after event notifications scheduled for sending in the future along with the scheduled sending time.
2019-08-20 iCal export : if you use colors and if you assign your own labels to the colors, then the iCal feed will also include the color label in the CATEGORIES field which can then be displayed in your calendar application (such as Outlook) with a color, similarly to how it's done in planyo.
2019-08-16 It's now possible to add a price range slider to the search box so that your customers can filter the search results by the price. You can decide whether the price slider will filter by the total price or price per day/night.
2019-07-29 You can now customize the template for the cancellation page.
2019-07-25 It's now possible to express prices on "per month" basis -- this can be useful for long-term rentals where until now Pricing Manager could only accept per-day and per-week prices.
2019-07-18 You can now bulk import coupons/gift certificates from a CSV file.
2019-07-18 We've released an integration with the STAAH channel manager. It allows you to open up your property to a wider online audience through over 200 supported distribution channels. This includes OTAs, GDSes and metasearches like, Expedia, AirBnb, Agoda, Google Hotel Ads, TripAdvisor, Trivago, Sabre, Amadeus and many others.
2019-07-18 If you're interested in having your contacts automatically synchronized with any other cloud app using a PieSync integration, you can now take advantage of this special referral link for a $50 discount on any PieSync plan (in addition to their 14-day free trial).
2019-06-05 Users can now log into Planyo using either a Microsoft personal account or a Microsoft Azure AD account. This login method is also available to the end customers in the simple integration frontend.
2019-05-15 A new extension "Google Maps Directions" can be used to enhance your reservation form with the starting point and destination addresses and a map showing the trip. Your price can easily depend on the calculated trip time or distance.
2019-04-30 Agents now have access to the schedule view. The reservations not created by given agent (or their agency) or resource/site-wide vacations will now show any details for agents.
2019-04-30 Agent discount can now include additional products.
2019-03-11 The customer view page now has new cool functionality! First of all, the typical reservation listings (upcoming/latest/cancelled etc.) can be chosen only for the given customer. Another functionality is that you can run any of your reports with the filter set to the chosen customer. Both these functions will be very useful for sites which have regular customers.
2019-02-27 A new "resource search" page is available in the backend. It allows you to list resources filtered by any number of criteria (based on your custom resource properties) and/or do availability search with dates. This new functionality is useful if you have a large number of resources which you need to search through or if you want to perform availability search in the backend.
2019-02-11 We've released a new version of the backend mobile apps (for both Android and iOS). The new version allows you to quickly search for customers and also allows scanning of QR codes presented by the customer in order to do an immediate checkin, checkout, or to go to the details of the reservation or customer's profile. See Q316 for more info.
2019-02-08 Planyo reviewed in Top 10 Appointment Booking Software on
2018-12-01 We've added a new status: no-show. In order to use this status you must enable the checkin/checkout functionality in Active Features. This status can be used as an alternative to the check-in status, by registering only the no-shows, which could be convenient if you have lots of total reservations and only a few no-shows. This status can be used as a filter in the reports / reservation search etc. and there are sms/email notifications which can be sent out.
2018-10-23 Meta site: You can now set up automatic payment subscription on the metasite level (as has been always possible on the single site level) so you no longer need to check manually for the required payments or set up payment subscriptions for the individual sites.
2018-10-22 Similar to the self check-in widget / button, you can now allow your customers to do a self check-out. As with the check-out done by the admins, it's possible to set an option in 'advanced features' which will automatically shorten the rental/stay at the check-out making the resource automatically available to other customers.
2018-09-20 Planyo now has an integration with PieSync: synchronize contacts between planyo and lots of other cloud apps. You can also import existing contacts and PieSync will automatically keep them up to date in both systems.

About PieSync: it is the fastest growing two-way intelligent data synchronization platform for organizations that want to power their business by integrating their cloud apps. PieSync improves sales, marketing and service performance by easily and affordably connecting contact data without complexity across SaaS-based ecosystems and applications to guarantee relevance and reliability, every time. The great advantage of PieSync is that it offers full synchronization of contacts (as opposed to just one-time export), including existing contacts created before using PieSync as well as automatic update of contacts when their data is modified in any of the connected apps.

See Q313 for step-by-step integration instructions.
2018-09-10 Planyo was picked as a Q3 category leader for the "Reservation & Online Booking software" category. Planyo at GetApp
2018-08-01 A new report type is available: invoices issued. This report includes also the invoices for the coupons purchased.
2018-07-20 For recurring reservations (or return trip / multiple dates) it's possible to further customize the 'your rate' in the new 'grand total' section.
2018-07-15 By default the wide/narrow weekly grid calendar previews use a static html view on iOS devices (iPad / iPhone). This prevents the infamous out-of-memory condition on iOS devices which crashes pages with high javascript content. With some dynamic calendar previews this occurred in the past for high-usage resources (with hundreds of daily reservations).
2018-06-19 In Settings / Active features you can configure automatic removal of past reservations (ended more than X months ago) or only personal information from past reservations, to assist you with your GDPR policy.
2018-06-01 New cryptocurrency payment gateway: Accept the fastest and feeless cryptocurrencies: IOTA, Ripple XRP, Stellar XLM, NANO.
2018-05-10 New payment gateways: PayGenius, Klik&pay, Helcim
2018-04-15 The 'Storage of custom reservation documents' extension now allows your customers to upload a custom document (such as scan of bank transfer confirmation or signed contract). The upload widget can be included as a tag in the reservation completed and reservation details templates.
2018-03-14 New payment gateway: Mollie
2018-02-21 The Basque language (Euskara) is now available in the entire booking process (front-end). The total number of languages supported by Planyo has increased to 34.
2018-02-19 The Planyo backend is now available in Norwegian
2018-02-07 New payment gateway: Secure Trading
2018-02-01 New payment gateway from France: Tipi
2018-01-11 We've added two new report types: "Arrival/departure date", listing all arrivals and departures taking place during selected day or period (e.g. useful for cleaning, customer pick-up or drop-off etc.) and "Rentals in progress", listing all rentals taking place during selected period (regardless of the start and end time which can fall outside of the selected period)
2018-01-05 New payment gateway: Payfort
2017-12-27 On all pages with templates you can now check the template syntax. This is useful if you notice that the output doesn't correspond with the desired content and can indicate a problem in the template syntax, e.g. in the conditional statement or a missing/superfluous closing parenthesis.
2017-11-30 This November we celebrate the 20th anniversary of our company. Since 1997 we've been creating high-quality software, made in Switzerland.
2017-11-07 You can now easily reorder columns in any custom report
2017-10-19 It's now possible for admins/moderators to assign a report to another admin. Of course it's still possible to mail reports to other BCC email addresses.
2017-10-19 The 'new or updated customer' trigger in our Zapier extension now also receives the custom user properties. Our Zapier extension lets you connect planyo to other cloud-based apps without any programming, for tasks such as import/export of reservations or customers.
2017-10-01 New payment gateways: Heidelpay credit cards and Heidelpay Sofort.
2017-09-12 We've added support for a new payment gateway: Realex Payments. Planyo can now integrate with 60 different payment gateways with a global reach.
2017-09-07 The metasite UI uses the same new look as the UI for administering regular planyo sites.
2017-07-21 In Regional Settings you can now customize the currency symbol and limit the choices of countries and languages available to your customers.
2017-06-21 Planyo review by Zapier :
2017-06-12 We've released a new extension: TripAdvisor Vacation Rentals availability synchronization. You'll find this integration in the Planyo store. Please note that the integration uses ical feeds in order to accomplish a 2-way synchronization of the availability. Note that we have a separate extension for TripAdvisor TripConnect and ReviewExpress (for hotels).
2017-04-27 From now on your customers will be able to use the sign-up/login feature not only in advanced integration but also in simple integration (with templates). In Site Settings / Active Features simply choose Simple Integration with templates AND with login integration in order to activate this feature, and then update your simple integration template to include the login/signup section.
2017-04-17 We've upgraded the additional products page, both in the backend and in the bootstrap scheme.
2017-04-06 Vietnamese is the 32nd language available in the front-end.
2017-04-06 Vouchers now have an option which prevents a single customer from using given voucher more than once.
2017-03-09 We've released a dedicated integration with Google Analytics. It will allow you to configure automatic tracking of any of the following events:
- Search results page displayed
- Resource listing page displayed
- Resource details page displayed
- Reservation form displayed
- Additional products page displayed
- Payment button displayed
- Payment completed
- All reservation steps completed
- User checked in
- Shopping cart checkout
You can also have all transactions from your customers (online payments) sent to Google Analytics as e-commerce transactions and the extension can automatically configure goals in your account based on any of the events listed above.
2017-02-21 Check-in and check-out: you can now tell planyo to automatically cancel a reservation if the check-in hasn't been done X minutes before/after the start time. This is useful to free the resource for other customers in case of a no-show. There's another option for the check-out: you can tell Planyo to automatically shorten the reservation (change the end time) in case of an early check-out, making the resource available to other customers.
2017-02-08 You may now add multiple recipients for the messages sent by the customers to the admin (resource admin or site admin).
2017-02-02 You can now use up to 8 custom notifications of type "before or after event" -- sent X days after the reservation is made or X days before the arrival date.
2017-01-01 API users: there's a new page where you can check API usage statistics and detailed call log from the previous 24 hours.
2016-12-08 All Planyo configuration features are now available via the Quick UI so there's no more a need to switch to Advanced UI. We've modified the navigation of the Quick UI a bit and added favorites (quick links).
2016-12-08 We've released a new free service (now in beta). It will allow you to create aand publish on your website a daily/weekly/monthly schedule of your resources INCLUDING any information from the reservations that you wish to include (e.g. company name, customer name or any of the extra fields in the reservation form). also allows you to import multiple (including non-planyo) iCal feeds into a single schedule view.

See Q300 in the FAQ for more about using together with
2016-11-18 A number of new calendar previews are available, the widget's name is "flexible multi-view". This calendar is 100% responsive so it will work great on any device and it does not generate an iframe, as other calendar previews do.
The new calendars allow the end customer to switch between the views made available by you.
You can see a simple demo of some of the new calendars here.
2016-11-08 Homeaway ical feed booking events are now imported into Planyo as reservations
2016-10-04 Airbnb ical feed booking events are now imported into Planyo as reservations.
2016-07-22 Allow your customers to set the dates/times in their own time zone on the reservation form and in the calendar previews. This is especially useful for e-learning sites. more...
2016-06-09 If you're using the "return trip" feature, especially well suited for shuttle bus services, you can specify a different resource ID for the return trip.
2016-06-04 New extension is available in the Planyo store: Accept listings from new users. With this extension you can create your own directory site, specific to your geographic location and market. People or businesses can list their offer on your site by using a special sign-up URL.
2016-05-18 We've released two extensions: for Airbnb and Homeaway availability synchronization. You'll find these integrations in the Planyo store. Please note that the integrations use ical feeds in order to accomplish a 2-way synchronization of the availability. If you're already using the iCal synchronization extension, there is no need for you to subscribe to these new extensions as you can accomplish the same thing with the existing iCal extension.
2016-05-14 For Drupal 8 users we now have a beta version of the Drupal module.
2016-05-06 We've released the BETA version of a completely new schedule page -- it replaces the old schedule page and you can switch between the old and new schedule. The new one is much nicer visually plus it introduces new views and new features:
- the schedule is automatically refreshed if there are updated in the schedule (there's no more need to continuously refresh the schedule page if you work with it for a long time)
- drag&drop is more intuitive and allows for more operations (immediate move with or without notifications)
- click on vacations to edit or remove them
- click on or select multiple time units to add new reservations, quickly block the time period or add vacations (one-time / weekly vacations)
- the new schedule works great on mobile devices
2016-04-29 A new language is available in planyo (front-end) : Slovak (Slovenčina).
2016-04-13 We've added two new calendar preview styles, both are responsive and work great on all devices. The first is a new upcoming availability view. It will only show the time slots when the resources are available for rental. It works great with all resources: event-type, hour-based and day-based. The second one is a new updated multi-month calendar view. The old versions of the these calendar previews can be still used.
Upcoming (day based)
Upcoming (hour based)
2016-04-13 We've updated the calendar preview builder in Integrate with My Website / Widgets. Almost all settings can now be set using the user interface and there's also an instant preview. Also, besides the HTML code for the calendar preview, you'll get the exact tag to be used in your templates.
2016-03-29 If you're using our API (web services), then you can now better protect the access to your planyo site via the API. The available protections are: an optional listing of IP addresses which are allowed to access your key, an optional listing of API methods which your key is allowed to run, and an optional hash key which is a second private key which you never send directly to the API server -- instead you use this key in order to generate a hash based on this key, on the current timestamp and the method called. We recommend using the new restrictions on all API keys you're using. If you need different levels of protection for different keys, you can also now create multiple API keys for each planyo site or metasite, each with different protection mechanisms.
2016-03-16 The iCal import extension can now import events from multiple iCal feeds for each resource (or each unit of a resource).
2016-03-04 We've added a new integration method: lightbox integration: it's a mixture of simple and advanced integrations and it's now the default in all the widgets generated in the quick setup. The lightbox integration shows the reservation form (or other content, such as search results etc.) in a lightbox (overlay) on the same page as the widget. It works great with all widgets, such as the reserve button, calendar preview, search form price preview etc. The lightbox integration is not a 100% advanced integration because it uses an iframe in the lightbox. However, your templates will still be applied, just as with 'simple integration with templates'.
2016-03-03 We've added a new payment gateway with a strong presence in Mexico / Central America: BAC Credomatic / PayCom.
2016-03-01 You can add BCC numbers to the SMS notifications. This way additional employees (for example) can receive SMS messages, as had already been the case with email notifications.
2016-02-26 UK-based PayPoint (SecPay) is the latest addition to over 40 payment gateways supported by planyo.
2016-02-15 We've lowered the PRO-COMM commissions. The 1% rate is activated after CHF 100 paid in commissions in given month (twice less than until now) and there's a new 0.5% rate which kicks in after CHF 400 in commissions paid in given month.
2016-02-12 Faroese is Planyo's new (28th) supported language. According to Wikipedia 66,000 people speak it as a native language, mostly on the beautiful Faroe Islands.
2016-02-11 We've updated the Quick UI -- the "basic" version of our backend. We hope you like the new design which is btw. responsive so it will work great on all devices. We'll keep working on this to make even more backend pages responsive.
2016-01-21 The notifications can now include the ical event as an attachment (and not only a downloadable url as before) for easier inclusion in customer's calendar software. The URL where the customer can view/modify the reservation is also included in the ical event.
2016-01-15 We've updated our Zapier integration adding a few new triggers (modifications/cancellations by admin and automatic cancellations) and, what's more important, all triggers can now use dynamic parameters, that is, form items specific to your planyo site.
2016-01-15 We've added a new pricing manager advanced condition: a rule can be applied conditionally only if it increases or decreases the price.
2015-12-22 We've released new versions of our plugins/modules for Joomla, Drupal, Wordpress, and modX (v2.7). The upgrade is not necessary but highly recommended if you use the integration with the login system of your CMS. See Q214 in the FAQ for more about this. Other changes in this upgrade are:
- the CSS is loaded much quicker in advanced integration, removing the 'flash' effect of the first second or two
- the bootstrap scheme will now work everywhere, if we detect bootstrap is not installed, we'll include it automatically
- there will be many less upgrades in the future, because the javascripts are now loaded from our servers so changes to the javascripts will not require upgrading the plugin version
- we dropped MooTools support, only jQuery will be supported from now on.
2015-12-02 We've released front end apps for Android and iPhone: If you have customers who frequently reserve with you, you may want to encourage them to download the app which will make it very easy to make new bookings and manage existing ones. The dashboard can be freely designed by you (with a template) so you can inform your frequent customers of promotions, news etc. Push notifications can be also set up by your customers to keep track of changes in reservations' status. Note that this app is called "Reserve Now" whereas the back end app is called "Planyo".

iPhone frontend app   Android frontend app
2015-11-26 This Sunday, the 29th of November between 6am and 6:30am UTC+1 we'll do a scheduled maintenance of our database servers. Planyo will not be available for 10-15 minutes during this time window. We're very sorry for the inconvenience.
2015-11-13 A new view is available in the schedule tab, for sites with hour-based resources. The new view shows the details of a single resource and covers a full week. You can now also define extra css styles used in the schedule tab.
2015-11-10 We've updated our backend mobile apps (for iOS and Android). There are now 2 more tabs: not completed reservations and conflicts. In the coming weeks we'll also release a front-end app for your customers.
2015-10-27 We've updated the schedule tab, especially for sites which use small time units (15 or 30 min). Even though the new schedule can be larger and require scrolling, the table headers will stay always visible. You can now also define cell width and height and even specify your own template in order to display the information you find useful in the schedule, without the need to hover over an item. This info can include the price and all form items.
2015-10-12 There is now a new Planyo FREE offering - as with the FREE model available until now, the booking fee is passed on to your customers but with the new FREE model the end customer can make a single payment including both the full reservation price which goes directly to your account and the Planyo booking fee which goes to our account. Both models are now available and you can freely choose between them.
2015-10-04 gets a new look! We've completely redesigned our homepage and the presentation pages.
2015-09-20 We're very sorry to communicate that yesterday our services were unavailable for around 4 hours. This was caused by a huge general problem with Amazon AWS which we use to host our services. Unfortunately we couldn't do anything to resolve the problem on our end. This was the first such issue we've faced since the 3 years we've hosted our services with Amazon. Even though our services are redundant -- will work even if an entire data center is down, in this particular case the entire REGION US-East of Amazon AWS was affected. You can read about this in the press. Netflix, reddit and lots of other services were also down. Probably there will be more reports of this problem in the next days. We're very sorry but we couldn't do anything to repair this.
2015-09-07 There's a new widget 'Initial reservation form fields' which is useful as an alternative to the search form if you have only one resource in your site and you want a very small widget which starts the booking process with the date/time fields in its simplest form.
2015-08-28 For increased security you can now add 2-factor authentication to your planyo account.
2015-08-13 New report type "modifications" is available. It will list all modifications (made by customers or administrators) done within specified time period.
2015-08-13 If adding voucher codes with a high quantity, you can now make the codes not only unique but also secure with an extra security code at the end (checksum).
2015-07-30 In Site settings you can now download a backup of your Planyo site in a ZIP archive. The backup will include information about resources, reservations, vacations, customers and schemes, all in the CSV format. Additionally, future reservations and vacations will be also exported in the ICS format.

Note that the backup is not meant as a means to do a full restore to a point in time, it can be only partially restored (via CSV import of: users, reservations, resources - partial, scheme). If you need to modify the configuration of a production site, use our sandbox environment instead.
2015-06-09 You can use simple integration with templates! In Site Settings / Active features it's possible to switch simple integration to a new one where the templates will be used, giving you full control over the content, just like in advanced integration.
The Planyo Online Booking App launches on Zapier! Zapier gives you the power to integrate the Planyo Online Booking system with hundreds of other apps to automate your work. Explore Planyo on Zapier!
2015-05-31 Our integration now implements the new "Guest request" feature from where the guest can contact the hotel manager. Another important feature is that you can use the extension also to connect a single planyo site with multiple accounts.
2015-05-30 We've updated the Salesforce extension. Other than adding a new event log, the extension will now export all custom reservation form items.
2015-05-08 We've added a completely new shopping cart experience, it's called "Quick add to cart" and the customer only selects the date fields (and possibly other fields which affect the price) in a lightbox, without any redirection. At the checkout they fill out the personal details and the remaining fields. See Q199 in the FAQ for more information about this.
2015-04-28 A new integration is available for a very popular accounting system Intuit QuickBooks Online. You'll find this integration in the Planyo Store
2015-04-27 For our Polish customers we now have an integration with Przelewy24, a popular payment gateway in Poland.
2015-04-09 On the reservation and additional product forms planyo can now automatically show a price breakdown instead of a simple price. The breakdown will not only list the additional products (added by default or chosen manually) but will also intelligently scan your pricing manager rules and print a breakdown showing how the applied rules affected the final price. At the same time we have new tags so you can make the price (or price breakdown) always visible and placed to the right (floating or sticky) or at the bottom of the page (sticky).
2015-04-09 You can now configure an online payment discount (negative online payment surcharge) to encourage your customers to pay online.
2015-04-09 The statistics in the report dashboard will now show your occupancy rate for different recent periods, also compared to a previous period. The occupancy rate can be shown for a single resource, or all of them.
2015-04-03 We've just released an integration with Spartime physical access control solutions. Using Spartime's solutions you can increase the security of your spaces and get rid of all the hassle related to physical keys or badges. The solutions Spartime, with permanent access or time-limited codes, let you manage your access remotely and don't require Internet connection for the devices. This integration will work great for a wide variety of applications: parking, buildings, offices, conference rooms, storage spaces, hotels, bungalows, sports halls, tennis courts... The extension will generate both alphanumeric codes and QR codes. Find out more in the Planyo store.
2015-04-03 We've extended our support for PayPal by adding an embedded version which works with PayPal Payflow / Pro / Advanced. This payment gateway will not work with regular PayPal accounts. The pro accounts are only available in selected (and very few) countries.
2015-04-03 The extension 'Separate payment account for each resource' now allow you to set different payment gateways for different resources.
2015-03-30 Now all coupons including "prepaid amount" can have an validity period. Note that if this expires and the customer reloads the coupon, the validity of all credits in customer's account is extended.
2015-03-24 We've just released the beta of new planyo schemes. The new schemes allow you to:
1. use responsive design (frameworks such as bootstrap)
2. use custom templates and styles on mobile devices (no more autoredirection to a special moible page)
3. update the CSS styles for both the mobile and desktop versions and for both the advanced integration and calendar previews, all in a single place, instead of using multiple external files
4. use a modern and attractive look for the booking form

The default design in the new schemes is much more attractive than the previous planyo default look. We currently have 2 schemes: bootstrap and planyo. Please read this FAQ question to find out about the new schemes. Because this feature is in the beta, new planyo sites still continue to use the old design. Note that it's best to test the new scheme on a test site rather than existing production site (although you can always undo the scheme change by restoring from a backup created for you).
2015-03-23 We've added a geolocation search, so now your search box can include a location selector and max. distance dropdown which will filter the results by finding only the ones near the specified location. The location can be either selected as "current location" or can be chosen on the map (by specifying an address/city or just clicking on the map). More about this feature in Q281
2015-03-12 High-volume PRO-COMM sites now get a lower commission rate (1%) whenever the total in commissions paid in given month reaches CHF 200 (see Q178)
2015-02-23 Administrators now see basic activity statistics in the dashboard, such as reservations or arrivals from the last N days (compared to a previous period) plus statistics based on the customer country and device used (tablet / mobile / desktop). More detailed statistics will be coming soon..
2015-02-21 Automatic cancellations of reservations (if not enough people made a reservation or if not enough was paid) can now be limited to bookings entered by customers only, by customers or agents, or by everyone (which was the default until now).
2015-02-10 It's now possible to synchronize availability of resources from different planyo sites! This can be done using the iCal or Google calendar synchronization as explained in question Q274 in the FAQ.
2015-01-27 New tags for presentation of images are now listed in Q205: $(image_viewer:XXX) and $(image_lightbox:XXX). Both show a single large image and let the customer view all images for a resource either in place or in a lightbox.
2015-01-09 Resource admins have access to iCal feed export, also to reservations of packages (flexible or simple) which include the resource administered by them.
2015-01-09 Flexible packages now have have a choice between 3 ways of auto-assigning resources: priority determined by name (alphabetically), priority updated randomly and fixed for every day, random priority
2014-12-18 There's now a new integration with the Stripe payment gateway.
2014-12-17 The coupon info screen shown to the customers to inform them of the status of their coupon/gift certificate is now a template which you can customize.
2014-12-02 Coupons / gift certificates can now include custom questions in the purchase form. You can use them to ask for any additional information you may require from the coupon holders (or also the buyers in case of gift certificates).
2014-12-01 If you're using the agents feature, you now have a choice between having the system calculate the agents' commission (including monthly sales/commission reports) or automatically applying a discount to agent-entered reservations if the agents should pay for them immediately with their credit card.
2014-11-03 We've started using a new HTML source code editor which is now available in all templates/notifications. Note that by default the WYSIWYG editor is active but if you switch to the HTML source code you'll be able to use the new editor with functions such as automatic closing of tags, syntax highlighting, listing of html errors and warnings, highlight of matching tags, code folding and more.
2014-11-01 There's a new notification which you can send to your customers whenever their time-limited coupon is about to expire.
2014-10-13 Your customers who are coupon holders now have a possibility of checking the credits left on all their coupons. This page is accessible via a tag which can be sent to the customer by email or by a widget where the customer enters their email address or coupon code.
2014-10-02 Support for new payment gateway: SIX Saferpay
2014-10-02 Wondering what part of all planyo features you're using? Also check out the features you may not even know about on this new page.
2014-09-15 You can now customize the contents of the iCal feeds and use different template versions.
2014-09-01 In notification settings you can now configure notifications sent when a customer did not finish the reservation process (e.g. didn't make the required online payment) and their reservation is visible in the 'not completed' list. You might want to reach out to these customers and now you can do this by creating a new message sent to the customer and/or to the admins e.g. 1 hour after their not completed reservation.
2014-08-25 In settings / templates / css stylesheets you can now tell planyo what to do with reservation form item labels. You can place them above form items, left to the form items or even put them inside the form items. The last option can be used to accomplish a very elegant and clean design of the reservation form.
2014-08-25 There's now a new cool widget: price preview. This widget always works for a specific resource and asks for arrival/departure dates (or possibly any other information needed to calculate the price) and immediately shows availability and price for the desired period. In case the resource is available, the customer can click a 'book now' button in order to go directly to the booking form. This widget exists also in form of a tag in the reservation details template.
2014-08-11 New coupon type: discount valid for given number of days. This coupon type will let your customers reserve your services at a discounted price for the duration of the coupon.
2014-08-06 We've released the beta version of the Expedia integration. It's available as an extension in Planyo store. This extension will automatically update your hotel availability in Expedia and will also import Expedia reservations into Planyo (modifications/cancellations will be also synchronized).
2014-07-31 Support for new payment gateway: Ogone / Ingenico.
2014-07-17 As an alternative to sending emails via Amazon SES / our servers, you can configure a custom SMTP server to send out your emails. This is very useful if you already work with services such as Mandrill or Sendgrid.
2014-07-17 You can configure your resources so reservations are automatically cancelled when less than N persons have made a reservation for given date. This is useful if you run tours or classes with a minimum number of participants.
2014-06-24 Downloadable PDF document (reports, invoices, reservation documents) can now be reviewed/modified (in a WYSIWYG editor) before downloading as PDF.
2014-06-21 You can now specify multiple resources for which a given coupon can be applied.
2014-06-20 We've added a new feature: price quotations. They can be only entered by admins / agents. The status of quotations is 'Not completed' which means that the time is not marked as reserved and is available for other customers. You can also add multiple quotations for the same duration. A quotation can then be upgraded to a regular reservation. Features of quotations: can be viewed in the schedule (via reservations / quotations / show in calendar), there is a new email notification you can create for the quotations, you can also assign a color to the quotations in the color manager.
2014-06-10 The coupons/gift certificates for a specific number of entries (or hours) can now have an expiration date.
2014-06-10 The schedule tab has been changed a bit, especially if you have day-based resources such as apartments/rooms where there's now a 3-week view. We hope you'll like the new changes.
2014-06-09 If you've been considering accepting Bitcoin (BTC), you can now add this option with Planyo's Coinbase integration. Coinbase is a leading BTC payment gateway and the first million in accepted payments is completely free. It will also immediately convert the BTC payments to your currency so you don't have to worry at all about the highly variable exchange rates.
2014-05-26 We will be presenting planyo at our stand at the Swiss Vacation Day 2014 (#Ferientag14) on May 27 in Lausanne. We'll be very happy to meet you at our stand!
2014-05-22 We have a new integration (with STC) specifically targeted to Swiss hotels. STC will add bookings of your hotel to hundreds of Swiss travel portals including, Swiss railways, Coop and many more. The integration is free to try until end of the year.
2014-05-19 The Planyo Android app is now available in the Google Play Store at no extra charge! This app has the same functions as our iPhone app and makes it easy to moderate your planyo site with an Android smartphone. Besides the listings of reservations (upcoming, latest etc.) you can perform advanced search, see the calendar preview and view/update availability. The app will also send you push notifications of your choice (new reservation, new payment, modifications, cancellations by customer).

Download from the Google Play store for free
2014-05-16 Your customers can now make bookings in Korean which is Planyo's 26th supported language.
2014-05-01 We now have an alternative kind of "packages", called bundles. The bundles create a unique reservation ID for each bundled item, and the items can have a different duration which means you can use them for example for a weekly all-inclusive trip including one or more hotel along the route and attractions/tours for each day of the trip. For the items which shouldn't have a fixed duration (e.g. a massage therapy which you want to include to be used at any time during the stay), you can also include coupons into the package. The new bundles work on the meta site level so you can include items from independent providers. See Q261 and Q262 for more info and differences between bundles and packages.
2014-04-11 We've added a possibility to use a completely new UI for the admins. It's called Quick Setup and is meant for non-experienced users and for very simple configurations. You can switch back and forth between the two UIs by using the icon on top of each administrative page. Once the setup is completed, you may also find the new UI cleaner and easier to use for day-to-day administration with devices like tablets.
2014-04-10 We've added ratings and reviews to Planyo! You can now ask your customers in an email sent after their stay to leave a review of their experience and set a star rating. You can then use a simple showcase tag in your templates to present the ratings and reviews to your visitors in an attractive lightbox. This feature works on the site or metasite level (always the highest level possible). The highest-level admin can also delete low-quality reviews and all admins can also leave their reply to existing reviews. See more in Q260.
2014-03-20 There's a new template called 'customer view template' you can edit. This is the page seen by your customers when they either log into your website (and you integrated planyo with your CMS login), or when they click on a link sent in an email to manage their existing reservations. Normally this template lists the customer's reservations (past and upcoming) and also shows the coupons owned by the customer.
2014-03-12 You can now create reports on the meta-site level.
2014-03-04 We've released a new extension: Amazon SES. It lets you send notifications to your customers using the Amazon Simple Email Service when you decide to use your own FROM address ( An extra feature is that you can use the DKIM signatures in the emails. This solution greatly reduces the chances of emails sent by planyo being treated as spam. This was always rare but possible. Please see for more details about this.
2014-02-19 The Planyo iPhone app is now available in the Apple App Store at no extra charge!

The app makes it easy to moderate your planyo site with an iPhone. Besides the listings of reservations (upcoming, latest etc.) you can perform advanced search, see the calendar preview and view/update availability. The app will also send you push notifications of your choice (new reservation, new payment, modifications, cancellations by customer).

A similar Android app will be launched in a few weeks, meanwhile you can use the web app with a similar UI on all devices.

Download from the App Store for free
2014-02-10 We have redesigned the navigation/UI in the mobile web app (only the admin back-end part, the part used by your customers remains unchanged).
2014-02-04 We've just released the long-awaited integration with With this integration you will no longer need to worry about synchronizing the availability between planyo and and you will see all bookings in one place in your planyo back end. The integration is available in the Planyo store, it's free until end of July.
2014-01-17 As members of Switzerland Tourism we're now able to offer to Swiss holiday apartment owners a new integration with the official Swiss Tourism website ( The integration will also work with other websites (cantonal etc.) sharing the same holiday apartment database.
2014-01-02 It's possible to delete customers (users) but only if they have no reservations or if all their reservations have the cancelled / not completed status.
2013-12-30 Reports can be now private or accessible by all moderators/admins (except resource admins who can only access non-private reports filtered by a resource they administer).
2013-12-06 New extension in the Planyo store: Zapier integration. Zapier lets you connect planyo with hundreds of other cloud apps. If you want to integrate planyo with another app you use, you no longer need to have a dedicated integration, simply create a zap which will create the connection between the 2 apps for you. This extension is free until at least end of June 2014.
2013-11-26 The "weekly grid" availability preview calendar now also works when no resource is specified. In such case you can get a weekly grid for all your resources.
2013-11-25 For hour-based resources, if you selected the option: Settings / Active features / Date picker in reservation form shows availability, the hour picker in the reservation form will now give feedback about availability (unavailable hours will be marked with an [X] and will have a red background). This will work only when a calendar preview is present on the booking page and with the latest version of the planyo plugin (if using in advanced integration).
2013-11-21 Additional products can now be also defined as 'per adult' or 'per child' (or, as previously, 'per person').
2013-11-19 You can now add a captcha to your reservation form. This captcha will ask the customer to solve a simple math problem. You should add it to your booking form if you notice spammy/fake reservations on your account.
2013-11-18 The search results can now optionally display all resources, including the ones not available during the search period. In such case you can still present the unavailable resources with some specific information.
2013-11-13 Planyo sandbox is live! We have a special domain, which is there so that you can test changes in your configuration or in existing reservations after your site goes into production. This domain uses a separate database (copy of the real database from the day before) so you can play around with this domain without affecting your production site in any way. See Q253 for the details.
2013-11-01 Support for new payment gateways: eWay (Australia+New Zealand+UK) and CM-CIC (France).
2013-10-29 A new extension available in the Planyo Store lets you embed the Planyo back end into your own website. This way even the administrators/moderators don't need to leave your website. This integration will also use your existing website's login system.
2013-10-29 It's now much easier to set per-adult and per-child pricing. You no longer need to use the special formula with the reservation form item pricing rule, you can simply choose 'per adult' or 'per child' in the price type dropdown, as you could always choose 'per person'.
2013-10-15 Planyo is now a premium certified partner of TripAdvisor's TripConnect program. With TripAdvisor Hotel Price Comparison search, travelers can now access hotel prices and availability directly on the TripAdvisor site. The bookings are made on your own website. In order to take part in this program, you must subscribe to the new TripAdvisor extension in Planyo store. The extension is free to use until end of 2014, so you can check out all advantages of the TripConnect channel.
2013-10-14 Search results / upcoming availability / resource listing can now use pagination (in both simple and advanced integration). This is very useful for big planyo sites. You can activate this feature in settings / active features. Please note that for old planyo sites (created before toway) you also need to change your templates (search results / resource list) in order to add navigation between the different result pages (this can be done with a single tag) -- new planyo sites (created after today) include the navigation by default.
2013-10-14 New pricing manager rules: Total hours (or times) in existing rentals in given period. This rule can be used for example to limit the number of hours (or number of time) a customer can reserve for any single day, week or month (e.g. max 3 entries per week, or max 10 hours of rental time per month).
2013-10-14 You can now change the reservation process so that also in advanced integration the customer can switch the selected resource to a different one on the reservation form. This will dynamically reload the form. This can be activated in advanced integration settings.
2013-09-08 Some small changes to the backend UI were made. More colors are available for both categorizing the reservations and also to mark seasons on the calendar previews. The new pastel colors work especially well when used as a background.
2013-09-02 We've reworked the "Integrate with my website" section, providing a new UI for the different advanced integration options so that now advanced integration can be accomplished (especially the javascript-only version) with only a few clicks and a simple copy/paste of the HTML code presented to you.
2013-09-02 There's now a new way of accepting recurring reservations from customers. It's very similar to the option "repeat N times daily/weekly/monthly" except the customer can click "add new date" next to the chosen date and so very quickly add a number of further dates within a single reservation form. After submitting the reservation, all chosen dates are added to the shopping cart.
2013-08-15 You can now include a date range for rentals in vouchers. The voucher will only be valid when the rental falls within this date range. You still can also define the date range when the reservations can be entered into the system with given voucher.
2013-08-15 There's a new pricing manager rule which lets you change the price (or show an error or info message) when a given unit (or units) is selected (only available when you have quantity greater than one and when you allow your customers to choose unit names).
2013-08-06 The bulk edit functionality for editing reservations has been greatly expanded. Now if you arrive at a collection of reservations (e.g. from a single shopping cart, custom report, as a result of search, or viewing a single customer's reservations) and do a bulk edit on them, you can immediately change: the resource or unit reserved, and the custom reservation form items which are included in all reservation tables via 'customize activity overview dashboard'. This way you can very quickly modify many reservations at once. Of course the original functions of bulk cancelling/confirming/checking in and out are still there. One other new useful function is the export of the selected reservations to a CSV file.
2013-07-29 New back end navigation. We've redesigned the navigation of the back end, specifically the 'site settings' (now simply 'settings') and 'resource settings'. There's also a new menu: 'customers' where you can quickly find your customers (through a search box or on a list). The resource listing is now integrated into the settings menu. The dashboard (reservations tab) now has a new optional item: what do you want to do?. This is meant as a very quick and easy-to-use navigation for frequent administrative tasks, especially designed for the non-tech user.
2013-07-20 Two new pricing manager rules allow you to either price differently or reject reservations from a customer who reserved a given number of hours or times in the last day or days.
2013-07-17 A new integration is available for the accounting system Xero.
2013-07-15 Want to use advanced integration but you cannot run PHP scripts on your server (or ASP.NET/Java etc.)? Now you can! Go to integrate with my website/advanced/other and you can get a very simple code to copy&paste inside your website. This is all you need to do to get advanced integration to work. This solution is 100% javascript-based and does not involve iframes.
2013-07-07 We now have a new Planyo Experts page. Here you'll be able to find IT specialists familiar with planyo, and able to assist you in one or more of the following areas: web design, JavaScript , API, integration, configuration. On the other hand, if you are an IT specialist experienced with Planyo, you can get listed -- many Planyo customers are actively looking for external freelancers or web development companies to help them with their project.
2013-07-06 You can now have resources with different currencies inside a single planyo site. This is useful e.g. if you want to offer your resources in more than one currency (in such case package should be used in order to synchronize the availability).
2013-07-04 Color labels can now be assigned automatically based on rules defined by you in the Color Manager. The rules are very advanced, including a possibility to specify a template code with access to all reservation data.
2013-07-02 You can now allow your customers to modify their reservations online. This includes change of resource, change of dates/times, or other reservation details. Another possibility is for customers to change their personal details. All this is available also when using advanced integration (plugin/extension v2.3 is required). See Q250 for more details.
2013-07-01 New look for the home page and pricing (English language only for now), we hope you'll find it cleaner and more informative!
2013-07-01 Planyo in French, Italian and Spanish is now available using dedicated country domains:, and
2013-06-17 A new planyo extension is available: Reservation documents uploaded by admins. It will let the admins upload custom documents (e.g. scanned contract) connected to given reservation to the Amazon S3 service. These documents can be easily accessed in reservation details or used in templates, e.g. attached to the emails sent to admins. Check out this and other extensions here
2013-06-08 We've just released the iCal import extension. Using this extension together with the existing iCal export feature you can accomplish a 2-way synchronization between planyo and any other system which supports the iCalendar format.
2013-06-07 You can define your own custom payment methods which you can then apply to reservations, for example Gift certificate, Western Union if you often work with these payment methods.
2013-05-29 A new report type has been added: payments. This shows payments you received and the payment details. If a single reservation received multiple payments, they will be listed separately.
2013-05-23 You can now define access permissions for your agents, similarly to how it's done for moderators and resource admins.
2013-05-20 For resources with quantity set to 1, the calendar preview shown to the admins in the reservation tab now lets you click on a reserved time (X) in order to jump directly to the corresponding reservation.
2013-05-20 You can use a tag $(rental_ical) to include a link to an iCal event in an email sent to the customer or on the reservation completed page. By simply downloading and opening it, the customer can quickly add the rental to their personal calendar.
2013-04-29 Prefetching was added to pricing scripts. If you use a pricing script and search which returns pricing information, such search could be slow and you might want to add prefetching to it. We also added a pricing script template/sample with prefetching automatically added so you don't have to worry about it.
2013-04-25 The date pickers in the reservation form can now show availability information for day- and night-based resources. This can be switched on in site settings / edit /active features. This will work immediately in simple integration but enabling this in advanced integration requires the download of the latest plugin version (2.2). Additionally, the date pickers will be synchronized with the calendar preview in advanced integration (previously this worked with simple integration only): changing the date in the picker will jump to the same date in the calendar preview.
2013-04-16 Additional products can now include a text field so that your customers can specify their comments for each product they reserve, besides the quantity (and date in case of recurring products).
2013-04-16 There's a new report type: product listing. It's similar to the standard reservation reports but each single product usage is listed in a separate row, plus you can freely sort the rows (e.g by the new custom text field or product usage date). This report is useful if you want to see product usage regardless of the reservations they're associated with.
2013-04-08 A large number of features in the reports have been added over the previous weeks. This is all described in the new tutorial about reports. Other than this tutorial, there is a number of other tutorials available: how to set up pricing, how to tell Planyo when my resources are available, configuring emails, administration by multiple users, configuring the availability search. Please check out these tutorials if you haven't yet done so and if you are interested in these subjects.
2013-04-06 There's a new interesting feature: visual map of units which shows availability across units (or extended information for admins, templates can be used) and lets users pick a unit visually (the way seat assignment is done in airplanes or movie theater bookings). The new layout map displayed as a lightbox window can be used in many places in planyo. More about this feature here.
2013-03-28 Seasons can now have a color associated with it. These colors will be automatically added to the calendar previews so your customers can easily spot your special offers and/or seasons (high/low etc.).
2013-03-13 If you decide to break your reservation form into multiple steps, you can now add form verification inside each step. This way the customer cannot proceed to the next step without correctly filling out all form items. By default the form fields are verified only at the end.
2013-03-05 We've upgraded the Google Import extension into a full 2-way Google Sync extension. It can now also export planyo reservations into a Google calendar of your choice. You can also decide whether to export all or just confirmed reservations. Reservations from each resource can be exported into different Google calendars (as with the import). Existing extension customers don't need to pay for the upgrade. We also haven't changed the pricing for the extension. On the other hand, we disabled the existing Google Export feature so old export will NOT work anymore. We were forced to do this because the original code we used is no longer supported by Google. Planyo customers who used this feature and now wish to switch to the extension are eligible for a refund of the download version of this extension. Simply write us and we'll refund the purchase price as Planyo account credits.
2013-02-25 We're switching to WorldPay for processing of credit card payments. The biggest advantage for planyo customers is that you can now create a recurring payments agreement which will automatically charge the amount owed to planyo each month. If your monthly charges vary (e.g. months with no reservations are free, or if you add/remove resources), then the charge will also adapt. The old PayPal subscriptions didn't have this ability. As a direct consequence of this change -- as we're based in Switzerland -- we're also converting our pricing from EUR to Swiss Francs (CHF) using a better conversion rate than the current market one (we used EUR 1 = CHF 1.20). Note: existing customers are NOT obligated to switch their billing to CHF or to cancel their PayPal subscriptions. You can also use the WorldPay payments while still being billed in EUR. You'll find more details about this in the 'My Account' tab.
2013-02-08 Planyo now works with coupons / gift certificates. They are independent of a single reservation and can be used by your customers as long as their coupon credits are not all used up. Coupons have a lot of options and can be used in a number of ways, such as purchase of multiple entry passes, passes valid for X months, rentals/services paid upfront for X hours, gift certificates, or to have a personal or company account with you so your customers don't need to make a payment each time they make a reservation. Coupons can be assigned a code or can be valid for given email address.
2013-02-01 You can now very quickly generate a report based on a saved report for a different data set. The differences can include a new period, different resources, and a number of other filters. You can also make a copy of any report if you wish to quickly create a new similar report.
2013-01-24 In site settings / templates you can now configure additional documents which can be sent in form of PDF attachments with any of your emails (just like the invoices). These documents are edited as templates which means they can use all the reservation and resource tags.
2013-01-22 If you use a resource with multiple unit names, you can now assign vacations to specific units.
2013-01-07 If you use the google calendar export, you can now define your own template for the event title and description. Both can be fully customized by you. As an extra feature you can also decide not to export given reservation if you set the event title to an empty text (with the use of conditional statements).
2012-12-14 Planyo now allows you to bulk import resources, using a CSV file (or the API).
2012-12-13 External agents can be grouped into organizations, reservations entered by any agent from given organization are accessible by all other agents from within the same organization.
2012-12-10 There's now a new way to handle pricing, using a CSV pricing file. This is recommended for sites with lots of resources or lots of rules difficult to manage withith the existing pricing manager UI. The format of the CSV file is based on the Pricing Manager but is much easier to use when it comes to multiple conditions which determine the price. This new feature is now in the beta so your feedback will be much appreciated.
2012-12-08 In reservation listings and in reports you will now find a button which lets you bulk edit reservations. You can confirm/cancel/check in/check out selected reservations at once or modify their unit assignment.
2012-11-23 This November we celebrate the 15th birthday of our Swiss-based company, Xtreeme Sagl! Ever since 1997 we've been creating IT solutions used by organizations including NASA, U.S. Military, European Commission, Microsoft and many of the Fortune 500 companies.
2012-11-20 Last weekend (Saturday around 6am CET) we successfully moved the planyo service to Amazon's cloud (AWS). The downtime was about 2-3 minutes. This means much better responsiveness and even though the previous configuration was working very well and was very secure, we now have a huge potential for upscaling. As before, the database resides on 2 servers with real-time replication (in different geographical locations) to prevent data loss under any circumstance. Of course we continue making multiple off-site database backups per day. On top of the database servers, as many web servers as necessary (min. 2 at any given time) will be launched to ensure high responsiveness of the service.
2012-11-19 Planyo now lets your customers reserve using one of the 25 supported languages. The latest one is Slovenian.
2012-11-19 If you work with trips/transfers/transportation etc. you may be interested in the new feature: the customers can select "return trip" on the booking page and simply enter the return trip date/time. This will then also automatically reserve the customer's return ticket using the same data as the original one (price can be of course different and depends on your rules). This feature is only available when using the shopping cart and can be switched on in site settings / active features.
2012-11-06 The help texts describing different booking form items can be now placed under each item instead of using a pop-up. This can be set at here.
2012-11-01 If you want to collect information about each person (passenger) in the party, the booking form can now include a per-person section which can include any other fields. This section will be shown automatically as many times as there are persons.
2012-10-20 Greenlandic (Kalaallisut) is planyo's 24th supported language
2012-10-17 Old-fashioned 1d barcodes can now be used in templates such as invoice etc. in case your scanners don't read the 2d QR codes.
2012-10-16 A new payment gateway (DIBS) can now be used with planyo.
2012-10-13 Version 2.0 of the plugins lets you choose a visual scheme (4 schemes are currently available) and lets you specify your own CSS stylesheet which modifies the default scheme.
2012-10-08 The your rate box is now also included on the additional product page and it can be set to also show additional information such as duration or start/end rental time. This is a great way to confirm to the customer that e.g. the dates chosen correspond to the desired duration.
2012-10-03 The search box widget now includes new options so you can better customize your search box.
2012-10-01 The reservation form can be broken into multiple pages, so the customers can start with the reservation without being overwhelmed with a very long form. This will also work well for webpages with limited height.
2012-09-17 The multi-month calendar preview (for day- and night-based resources) can now use colors instead of the X chararter to show an unavailable day. Use the $(res_nox_previewX) tag instead of $(res_av_previewX) tag (see Q205) to switch to the new mode.
2012-09-13 We have just released an extension for the customer relationship management (CRM) system. This extension (available in the Planyo store) will export reservation and customer information and will keep it up to date in your salesforce account.
2012-09-11 If you're an existing customer of or if you're looking to increase exposure of your vacation homes, you'll enjoy our new Holidaylettings Export extension available in the Planyo store.
2012-08-31 If you offer packages which must block a higher number of units for exclusive use by given package than the number of units reserved, this is now possible with blocking of units in packages.
2012-08-14 For shopping cart reservations, the administrator can now perform batch operations such as confirming or cancelling multiple reservations.
2012-08-02 Croatian is planyo's 23th supported language.
2012-08-01 For obligatory/optional payment confirmation methods, adding a payment manually by the admin will also automatically confirm the reservation, just as with online payment (if the amount is correct).
2012-07-31 We expanded the package feature and it's now possible to create what's called flexible packages. Here you can specify groups of similar resources, from which only one will be reserved when the package is reserved. The choice can be made automatically or manually, depending on your preference. This is very useful to make multi-dimensional reservations when the customer reserves e.g. a tennis court as well as one of the tennis coaches. See Q232 in the FAQ for different usage examples. The packages should now be used instead of resource dependencies for all new resources. Resource dependencies are still accessible but only for the resources which use them already.
2012-07-26 If you ever wanted to use the customer database from planyo to send newsletters to your customers now you can do this with the new MailChimp extension available in the Planyo Store.
2012-07-24 Planyo store has been released! You'll now be able to get additional extensions to planyo in form of a download (configured on your server) or as a subscription (hosted on our servers). The initial release of the Planyo store includes only 3 extensions but many more are planned for the near future. 3rd party developers will also be able to sell their extensions through the Planyo store to offer additional functionality and interfaces to other systems.
2012-07-09 Reports: HTML / PDF reports can now include totals / row count.
2012-07-09 Reservation form items can now be dynamically hidden or shown based on values of other form items.
2012-07-03 The planyo plugin as well as all the widgets (calendar preview, search box, reserve button etc.) can include a referer code which can be used to track the source of your reservations. See the ppp_refcode parameter in Q167.
2012-07-02 Mercanet (France, bank BNP Paribas) can now be used with Planyo to accept online payments.
2012-07-01 The admin panel now features easier navigation. All pages include a history so you can go back to the parent page quickly, plus there's a search box which lets you very quickly jump to another admin page, simply enter a keyword such as pricing, vouchers, season, availability etc.
2012-06-25 The activity overview dashboard has been improved: its contents can be now customized plus you can filter the reservations shown by the custom color. The custom color can be also used as a filter in reports.
2012-06-19 Agent commissions can be configured separately for any resource.
2012-06-03 We added Paybox (France) to the list of supported online payment gateways.
2012-05-24 New templates are now available for customization: payment template, additional products template, checkout template.
2012-05-24 The reservation process in advanced integration now gets by default a new element: reservation steps (1, 2, 3...) which clearly show to the end customer where they are in the reservation process. Only the new plugin version adds the steps by default and only in case the templates weren't customized. Otherwise you'll need to add the $(reservation_steps) tag to the templates manually and use the new plugin version (or add CSS styles for the steps yourself).
2012-05-24 You can set up Google export so that each resource's reservations are exported to a different Google calendar (also managed by a separate Google account).
2012-04-24 A BETA version of the Google Sites gadget is now online. Click here for more info...
2012-04-12 Pre-payment / deposit amount: this is no longer a fixed value or percentage. It can now be changed using Pricing Manager rules or manually by the administrator on the reservation details page.
2012-04-12 Reports: the hour when reports are sent to you can be now freely chosen. There are also new report periods available, such as yesterday/tomorrow/last week/this week/next week.
2012-04-10 Seasons can now have names which can be used in a pricing manager rule. This way multiple periods can be priced using a single rule.
2012-04-10 Seasons can use the start/end weekdays in a flexible mode, meaning that this restriction is not valid for the day immediately following a previous reservation or vacation. This way you can enter special reservations or vacations and make it possible for customers to reserve the adjacent periods regardless of the weekday.
2012-03-29 There's a new calendar preview, especially well suited to event-type resources: big calendar. This shows an overview of the month, week or day (optionally switchable by the user) with all available events/resources for given day/hour listed and the number of tickets left. You can also use this preview for normal resources.
2012-03-28 You can let your customers make recurring reservations, e.g. 10 tuesdays starting on 2012-04-17. This requires that you use the shopping cart feature. See Q153 in the FAQ.
2012-03-16 You can now import a list of existing customers from a CSV file.
2012-03-06 Reservation form items can now be updated automatically whenever another form item is changed. Please see the FAQ question Q233 for more info.
2012-03-01 You may use checkin and checkout statuses. They can be set in the reservation details or via the API and used to record the date of the checkin/checkout plus as conditions for reports and notifications.
2012-02-28 Planyo now supports packages and more advanced resource dependencies (with quantities). Packages can be used to offer special pricing and a quick way for customers to reserve multiple items at once. See Q232 for more about packages.
2012-02-28 New 22nd language for the planyo frontend: Hungarian.
2012-02-21 There's a new pricing manager rule: end hour.
2012-02-21 Event-type resources can be easily set up for weekly recurrence.
2012-02-20 New UI for the templates, reports, invoices. Planyo no longer requires HTML knowledge in order to change the complex templates (with inner and outer elements) or to customize reports and invoices. The new UI lets you either edit these as blocks (using WYSIWYG editor or, as before, as HTML source code) or using special UI for creating tables with columns. Your old templates remain unchanged, you don't need to switch to the new UI. If you decide to do this, you have a choice of either using the existing templates as blocks (this will work in all cases except for tables with columns) or if you want to use the table-based UI, you'll need to recreate the templates from scratch (or use the default ones).
2012-02-01 If the reservation form asks for the number of participants you can also add a special form item which will add one field per participant asking for their first and last name. This way you can make sure each reservation includes all participant names. See Q202 for more info.
2012-01-27 New 21st language for the planyo frontend: Brazilian Portuguese.
2012-01-26 New payment gateway integrated into planyo: wirecard.
2012-01-22 We've added a playground to the API (here) so you can easily test any API function before using it in your code.
2012-01-22 There are now 5 new text tutorials available in Help / Tutorials: setup of prices, setup of availability, setup of email notifications, administration by multiple users, and configuration of availability search with a focus on advanced integration.
2012-01-12 We've added a quick links slideout box which you'll find on the right-hand side of each admin page. The quick links serve as a customizable menu where the main administrator can add frequently used links (e.g. to specific reports) for all the site admins and moderators. It can also be used by each individual admin or moderator to add their personal favorites.
2012-01-06 We've added a new interesting rule to the pricing manager, called 'Daily pricing'. This new rule lets you set pricing for every individual day or week of the year on a calendar. This is especially useful if you change last-minute pricing on daily basis.
2012-01-04 New great usability enhancement: clever search. This is the search box visible on every page of planyo. It lets you search for a number of things, such as reservation id, customer name or email address, resource name, reservations starting in specific date ranges, availability for given day or month etc. You can for example enter Friday, 2012-03-01, av January or last December into the search box. Using this search box also searches in planyo documentation. Type Help into the search box to find out more.
2011-12-22 The backend gets a new menu navigation with more of the functions which can be accessed directly from every page! The resources get their own top-level menu.
2011-12-22 There is now a new template for the search functionality: 'no matching results code'. This template is displayed when there are no results found. You can use it to either display the availability calendar to the customer, or even retry the search with less restrictive criteria or with a wider range of dates or a different search mode (e.g. search for shorter periods within the searched dates).
2011-12-13 You can now add QR (Quick Response) 2D bar-codes to emails, invoices and advanced integration screens generated by Planyo. See the $(2dcode...) tags in Q221 for more details.
2011-12-12 We have a great new way for your customers to see when they can make a reservation. This is an alternative to the search functionality which requires form submission with specific dates, or to a calendar preview which may be complex depending on your specific model. The new mode is called upcoming availability and is available in both simple integration and advanced integration (only with the latest versions of the plugins (v1.9). You can see this in action here. The new mode can be used as a new entry point for your customers for last-minute reservations. You can include any of your custom resource properties as the search criteria (just as for the search mode).
2011-12-09 Custom email notifications can now be previewed/tested for any existing reservation ID, and not only for the last one in the system.
2011-12-03 We've added a new payment gateway to Planyo: MasterCard MiGS
2011-11-24 Two new email notifications have been added: reservation modified by customer and additional products modified by customer. These two notifications are very useful so the administrator knows if any subsequent changes to a reservation have been made by the customer.
2011-11-22 There's now a new "event" mode. What this does is it either fixes the date/time to a specific value chosen by the administrator (for one-time events such as conferences) or gives the customers a limited choice of drop-down values (for events taking place on a few specific dates/times).
2011-11-18 The reservations tab in the admin backend lets you filter the displayed reservations by a specific resource.
2011-10-26 Japanese is Planyo's 20th language!
2011-10-07 You can now define individual access permissions for all moderators and resource admins. As before, permissions which are not customized for individual users will be taken from group permissions (for moderators or resource admins).
2011-10-06 If dependencies between resources are defined, now also availability (defined through vacations) is checked as well.
2011-09-23 A new user role has been added: the site administrator can add agents, optionally with a commission rate for the reservations entered by the agents into the system more...
2011-09-13 We've added a 'reservations in progress' section to the activity overview section in the backoffice. This will list all rentals currently taking place.
2011-09-09 Seasonal settings can depend on the year, this lets you enter modifications according to holidays which start on different days in different years. (the same kind of change is also possible when entering resource vacations or pricing)
2011-09-08 You can easily create voucher ranges (e.g. VOUCH001 ... VOUCH100) to better keep track of voucher usage.
2011-09-08 Resource names and product names can now be translated plus other UI improvements to the translations have been added.
2011-09-07 You can now define the ordering of additional products. Up until now they were always sorted alphabetically.
2011-09-06 You can now optionally allow your customers to use multiple vouchers in a single reservation to combine multiple discounts. The default is still that a single voucher code can be used per reservation.
2011-09-06 Custom colors which can be assigned to each reservation can now have labels so your moderators can quickly see the meaning of each color (see more in Q223)
2011-09-06 Calendar previews now have an additional 'day view' / 'month view' and 'today' link which should make navigation easier and more clear.
2011-09-04 We have changed the UI of the reports, adding a dashboard with a graph which lets you quickly get an overview of the activity in your planyo site.
2011-08-31 Planyo can inform your server using an HTTP POST whenever an event occurs, such as new reservation being entered or reservation being cancelled more...
2011-08-24 Administrator can add custom products (not listed in the product list) with custom price to specific reservations.
2011-08-23 A new calendar preview style modification is possible for accommodations. The new parameter adds a diagonal division line to days where another guest checks-out in the morning or checks-in in the evening. See the morning_icons parameter in Q173 for more info.
2011-08-20 In case you define specific arrival weekdays (for daily resources) or start hours (for hourly resources), the possible arrival times are specially marked on calendar previews, and only these fields are clickable.
2011-08-19 Resources can now have dependencies between them -- if one is reserved, other resource or resources can be also made automatically unavailable for the same time. See Q220 for more info
2011-08-15 If using multiple units with unit names, now also your customers can pick the desired unit(s) at the time of reservation. This option can be chosen in resource settings / unit names.
2011-08-14 Reservation-related emails sent through planyo from customers (simple integration) can now be sent to the main moderator or resource admin instead of the main admin.
2011-08-10 Custom email notifications can be now translated by you to any other languages you work with.
2011-08-05 Resource vacations can be exported and imported in form of CSV files.
2011-08-02 SMSes are now fully customizable, just as email messages. You can also use the same tags to represent reservation data. Both SMS and email notification editing is now easier with a very convenient preview function.
2011-08-02 You can allow your customers to make some modifications to their reservation after the reservation is made. The items which can be modified are only the ones the administrator added to the reservation form as custom items. Standard items such as rental duration or personal data can be only modified by the administrators. This new functionality is only optional and the link can be added as a tag to an email sent to the customers.
2011-08-01 You can now accept reservations from Czech, Estonian and Catalan speakers - the number of supported languages has now grown to 19.
2011-07-20 If using unit names with resources having multiple quantities, the names can now be optionally assigned at the time of reservation: manually by the admins or automatically for reservations entered by your customers.
2011-07-18 Additional products can now be selected by customers after reservation time in advanced integration (see the tag $(additional_products_url) in Q204).
2011-07-07 Because of numerous emails we've received regarding the currency, we now moved it to site settings. You no longer can set different currencies for different resources but there was no interest in this possibility, anyway.
2011-07-06 New permanent discounts for resources such as tickets, places, seats or anything that can be shared between independent customers - such resources are no longer counted as one resource per ticket/place available but are now counted as the number of tickets/places divided by 2. We also introduced further discounts for the number of resources above 50.
2011-06-29 We're proud to announce partnership with Sage Pay, one of UK's leading payment gateways. Click here to sign up for a Sage Pay account
2011-06-22 We're proud to announce partnership with Moneybookers, one of Europe's largest online payments systems. Click here to sign up for a moneybookers account with special partnership advantages. Moneybookers gives you access to over 100 payment options in 200 countries so it's a great idea to add it to the payment gateways used by your planyo site.
2011-06-20 You may now decide on which weekday (or day of the month) the reports are sent to you.
2011-06-16 You can now resend any individual email sent by planyo. This is useful if your customer entered an invalid email address which was then corrected.
2011-06-13 You can now accept payments from customers using more than one payment gateway. It's your customer who makes the choice amongst the gateways you set up.
2011-06-13 Customized translations can now be done also for individual resources. This is very useful if you mix resources of different types in a single site.
2011-06-09 You can now define a new template: reservation completed to customize the content displayed to clients when a new reservation has been entered.
2011-06-07 Administrators can modify the price already at the time of entering a new reservation.
2011-05-30 We've added two more payment gateways you can choose from: Sage Pay and MultiSafepay.
2011-05-18 You can set up planyo to always require a total amount if less than X days are left before rental.
2011-05-18 New time related rules have been added to Pricing Manager.
2011-05-18 iCal feeds can now be optionally filtered by a reservation form item value
2011-05-13 The reports can now list only reservations for which at least (or at most) X percent of the total price was paid.
2011-05-10 Planyo can now integrate with the existing login system of your Drupal, Joomla, Wordpress, Typo3 or modX website (see more in Q214)
2011-05-10 Planyo now has new admin pages to better moderate existing users. You can now add new users, get a list of all users (added by you or ones who made at least one reservation) plus export it in the CSV format, and automatically set user-specific properties such as member ID or birthdate based on a reservation form field. (see more in Q215)
2011-04-27 The reports have been highly improved. New features include a new report type (totals per week, month etc.), new ways to filter out reservations according to status, payments made or any of the custom reservation form items
2011-04-27 We added a special module for yet another CMS system: CMS Made Simple.
2011-04-21 You can now define a global reservation form which can be used with any number of resources. This way, if you have similar resources and use the global form, you will no longer need to make the same changes multiple times!
2011-04-15 Planyo now supports full integration with Google Calendar. Up until now it was only possible to export events into Google Calendar. Now you can also set up importing events from Google. This means that as an alternative to entering a reservation or vacation into planyo to make a period unavailable you can do the same on Google calendar. Such events will be visible in planyo as special vacations.
2011-04-14 We added to the list of supported online payment gateways.
2011-04-06 We just finished implementing new UI and engine for sending out notifications. Everything is now found in one place (settings/notifications), you can now customize EVERY email sent by planyo with a template and there are new events which can trigger notifications to be sent. See a detailed list of changes here.
2011-04-05 If your resources can be reserved with half-hour precision, the calendar previews will now display two columns per hour and no longer 4 (for each quarter).
2011-04-04 Two more rules based on the start time (start weekday, start hour) have been added to Pricing Manager.
2011-03-16 You can now manually modify the price of a particular reservation.
2011-03-15 You now have the possibility to generate reports for a specific date range (not necessarily past or future X days or months).
2011-03-10 The shopping cart feature is now also available in simple integration as well as when using a mobile device in advanced integration.
2011-03-10 More templates have been added so you can now customize the following screens: checkout screen (shopping cart feature), reservation details screen and google map.
2011-03-02 Both the primary and backup dedicated servers which provide were upgraded. For security both are hosted by different companies from different geographic locations. The upgrades were related to reduced performance which you may have experienced from Monday till Wednesday morning. We apologize for the slower browsing experience during this time. Of course all these changes and performance issues did not cause any down time whatsoever.
2011-02-23 A big part of the backoffice (administrative panel) now has a special mobile version. Now not only your clients can make reservations conveniently on an iPhone or Android, but also you as the admin can check availability, browse through reservations, confirm them and perform many other functions using your mobile device with a special UI.
2011-02-23 Version 2.0 of the facebook app is now available. It will only work with the new upgraded facebook pages with tabs on the left. The new version is as powerful as the regular advanced integration. Your clients can now make the reservation without leaving your facebook page!
2011-02-18 Because of big changes in Facebook Apps introduced by Facebook a few days ago, the Planyo App will not work for the next few days. The good news is that new app will have many more features.
2011-02-17 You can now limit moderators' access to specific administrative pages (exactly as you could before for resource admins).
2011-02-16 Even if you have a vacation defined for given period, you can now very quickly force availability in Schedule / Availability for any given hour or day.
2011-02-14 New templates have been added for metasites and for the shopping cart. The template tags have a better documentation as well.
2011-02-10 You can now accept reservations from Norwegian speakers - the number of supported languages is now 16.
2011-02-07 It's now possible to book two types of resources, e.g. a room AND a therapist. This is done by adding a reservation form field which can be unique across all reservations in any given time (e.g. choice of therapist where one therapist cannot handle more than one reservation).
2011-02-04 Planyo now works with WorldPay payments.
2011-01-26 You can now have Planyo double-check the typing of clients' email addresses by requiring them to retype their address in the reservation form (more here)
2011-01-25 Joomla! 1.6 module was just released. We'll continue supporting J! 1.5 but recommend using J! 1.6 for new sites.
2011-01-24 Pay for the whole year and get an instant 10% discount (see the My Account tab).
2011-01-18 Planyo is now compatible with the all new Drupal 7. You can download the plugin here
2011-01-18 Resource vacations can now be limited to a specific period allowing administrators to enter recurring reservations for a specific number of weeks or months.
2011-01-17 Contact form on your planyo page (simple integration) now requires entering verification code (captcha image) to prevent spam being sent to you through planyo.
2011-01-10 Instead of creating a planyo account you can now simply log in with your facebook account!
2011-01-09 Your clients can now reserve in 15 languages. The new languages are Dutch and Russian.
2010-12-06 Planyo now works with Google Analytics! All reservations will be automatically tracked in Google Analytics as both goals and ecommerce transactions so you can gather statistics and detailed information about your reservations! Details...
2010-11-30 Greek is now Planyo's 13th supported language
2010-11-26 We have a new component you can use for both simple and advanced integration: a Google Map view where all your resources can be located. See Q200 for more info.
2010-11-24 'Make a duplicate' function now lets you easily add new resources with all settings copied from an existing resource.
2010-11-24 Shopping cart (BETA). The shopping cart feature (can be selected in 'settings / integrate with my site') makes it easy for clients to reserve multiple items. Can be very useful e.g. if you offer both accommodation and tours.
2010-11-02 It's now possible to store clients' credit card numbers on your server instead of taking online payments. more here...
2010-11-02 All templates in planyo can now be edited using a super easy-to-use and powerful WYSIWYG editor. You no longer need to enter HTML code if you want to customize the templates.
2010-10-27 New BETA feature: integration with facebook. You can now add an "Online booking" tab to your facebook page and show availability calendar and/or the search box. Get started here
2010-10-25 Two new settings let you alter the reservation process: 1. email verification can be required or not and 2. time period reserved by a client may now still remain available to other clients until the reservation is confirmed or until the email address is verified.
2010-10-20 Portuguese is now the 12th language that your clients can use to make a booking with Planyo.
2010-10-20 There are now 8 different demos you can check from the perspective of the administrator (back-end) or client. The business types presented are: hotel, vacation properties, car rental, driving school, yacht charter, massage therapist, conference room.
2010-10-20 Pricing manager lets you set prices for different time units: quarter-hour, hour, day, week. There's no more need to divide or multiply your standard prices.
2010-10-05 New exciting changes to Pricing manager: you can now use it not only to set pricing but also to determine rules when reserving is not possible. You can set your own error message for each rule. Another change is a new rule "time remaining until rental" which can be used e.g. for last-minute pricing.
2010-10-01 New notification type: reservation modified by admin (your clients can now be automatically notified when the administrator makes modifications to the reservation).
2010-09-30 Availability schedule: this is a new page (found in the schedule tab) which gives you a quick and clear overview of resource availability for the whole month or day. You can also quickly reduce availability for given time on this page.
2010-09-27 A slightly modified narrow hourly schedule grid is available as a new resource availability preview style. It's specifically meant for mobile devices or page designs with limited horizontal space.
2010-09-23 Both standard and advanced integration can now use SSL for secure data entry (more here)
2010-09-23 Possibility to add resources without specifying their quantity. This basically allows you to accept any number of reservations for the same time.
2010-09-23 New search mode: search for shorter periods within given date or dates. You can now use a new search mode, especially useful for hour-based rentals, where the client specifies a single date (or date range) and the search finds all spots available for rental on that date.
2010-09-21 Site-wide vacations: you can now add vacations either to a single resource or to the whole site.
2010-09-16 We've added two new calendar preview styles which you can use instead of the default ones: upcoming availability and hourly schedule grid
2010-09-09 New pricing manager rule: additional persons present. Especially useful for hotels; can be used for special fees for extra persons.
2010-09-08 You may now give your customers voucher codes for special discounts applied at the time of reservation.
2010-09-07 You may now send custom emails to users at the end of their stay (or X days after etc.)
2010-09-03 v1.5 of the plugins. What's new:
- You have a choice of jQuery or mootools as underlying library. No more compatibility problems or having to add both frameworks
- Mobile device support: a special mobile web app is now displayed for users who browse on a mobile device such as iPhone or Android. The mobile app works with both standard and advanced integration and is very comfortable to use: no more zooming and scrolling!
- Support for new functionalities: the plugins now also support functions such as displaying reservation details, payment form, and possibility for users to cancel their reservation
- All links in both standard and customized emails now automatically point to your website instead of if a reservation was made through your website (advanced integration).
2010-08-13 Pricing manager has a new rule: you can set special pricing also for different times of the day.
2010-08-13 gets a new look! We redesigned from scratch the navigation and styling. We hope you'll find the new version easier to work with.
2010-08-07 New set-up assistant is an interactive guide that will help you set-up your Planyo site and will explain the different configuration options.
2010-07-31 New version of the plugins (v1.4) allows them to run correctly also when jQuery is used on the same page.
2010-07-31 You can now temporarily hide specific resources if you don't want users to be able to find them in the search or reserve them. This is very useful for production sites which want to test newly added resources before publishing them.
2010-07-31 We've added a powerful tool to set-up pricing: Pricing Manager. It replaces the old pricing settings: Discounts and Seasonal prices. This tool allows you to specify prices/discounts for a wide range of rules (e.g. depending on weekday, on date range, on number of persons etc.). Even complex pricing models can be entered into Planyo using Pricing Manager.
2010-07-31 When your clients add custom notes to their reservations, you will now see an icon next to these reservations in the Reservations tab. The notification emails' title will be also marked to quickly let you know there are custom user notes which you may need to respond to.
2010-07-24 New, permanent 45% discount on SMSes sent by Planyo. The new price is EUR 8 per 100 SMS notifications so it's one more reason to use this feature and have Planyo automatically notify admins or users by text messages (when reservation is made, confirmed, cancelled etc.). This discount was possible by limiting the list of countries for this feature and by better pricing offered by our SMS gateway.
2010-07-20 You can now specify the exact admin pages the resource admins have access to.
2010-07-19 Updates to custom messages: They are now sent with your own FROM field. If you send yourself a test message, it will use data from the last reservation entered. You may also specify multiple BCC fields (comma-separated) for all custom emails.
2010-07-12 You now have full control over the reservation form. You can hide any standard field or set their default value (e.g. country), you can define ordering of all fields (e.g. move your custom fields to the top), add new sections etc.
2010-07-11 You can now translate the dropdown values of your additional reservation fields to other languages.
2010-07-03 We have completely redone the reports. Whether delivered to your Google Docs, by email, or created on request, all is now grouped in a single place. You can request HTML, PDF or CSV reports and you can even edit the template to have full control over the report contents and layout.
2010-06-24 Administrators can now enter reservations also during vacation time. Other than a warning message, such reservation will be marked as conflicted.
2010-06-02 We have added support for integration with Google Calendar and Google Docs. Google Calendar integration works similar to iCal feeds but reservations appear without the standard delay of Goog Calendar. Google Docs integration makes it possible for Planyo to upload reports directly to your Google Docs in form of spreadsheets.
2010-05-21 Planyo now supports OpenID! All users can now log into planyo with an OpenID provider (such as Google, AOL or Yahoo) without the need to have a separate Planyo login / password.
2010-05-21 Romanian is now the 11th language that your clients can use to make a booking with Planyo.
2010-05-17 The settings pages in the admin panel have been modified for easier navigation. You can still use the quick links dropdown to access the settings or to edit them.
2010-05-04 Additional products (hidden or selectable by clients) can now be made available or unavailable for specific resources.
2010-04-30 When entering reservations in the admin panel for your clients you can choose to prevent Planyo from sending any emails to them.
2010-04-27 Advanced integration now allows you to add language choice and availability preview to the reservation form
2010-04-27 When using advanced integration you can now define your own templates for the resource list, resource details and reservation form pages. Now Planyo can present your resources in ANY imaginable way.
2010-04-27 The Planyo module (advanced integration) is now SEO-friendly. The resource list and resource details pages will be indexed by Google and other search engines.
2010-04-27 All modules (Joomla, Drupal, Wordpress, DreamWeaver, modX, Typo3) have been upgraded to version 1.3. Old modules will still work fine but you will not be able to use the new features.
2010-02-19 We've updated the default search templates to make search results more attractive. Please keep in mind that you can always modify the defaults to present the results in any way you like.
2010-02-09 The Planyo modules (advanced integration) now also allow reserving additional products.
2010-02-04 You now have a choice of either accepting online payments through PayPal or Moneybookers is a very popular payment gateway and besides all popular credit and debit cards it supports a wide range of domestic funding options in over 200 countries.
2010-02-03 We've added image gallery / slideshow to advanced integration (modules). Now when the thumbnail is clicked in resource view, the users can see large images, just like on
2010-01-29 Admins can now add custom comments to their clients' accounts. This can be useful if you have clients who often reserve with you and you'd like to add a note about their preferences or any other information useful to you as the administrator.
2010-01-27 Times when resources cannot be reserved (resource vacations) can now be set with a 15-min precision (previously 1h).
2010-01-21 We introduced a new home page layout which we hope will make the navigation easier.
2010-01-19 For hour-based reservations you can now limit the possible start times to a list of times set by you. This can be useful e.g. if you want users to book starting on even hours only.
2010-01-08 The integration assistant now allows you to use a MODx component to easily integrate the booking system into your MODx-based website.
2010-01-06 The integration assistant now allows you to use a WordPress plugin to easily integrate the booking system into your WordPress-based website.
2009-12-23 You can now use the new plugin for Typo3 to easy integrate the reservation system with your Typo3 site.
2009-12-22 If you choose to take online payments from your clients, additional products will be included in the amount to be paid.
2009-12-15 Advanced integration has become even more powerful. There is now a new mode that shows a full list of resources of your planyo site, then resource details after choosing a resource. Thanks to this, you now only need to update your content once (in Planyo) and your site will be updated automatically.
2009-11-23 A new language (Finnish) has been added, so now your clients can make bookings in 10 languages.
2009-11-16 Planyo now automatically generates and keeps up-to-date iCal feeds that you can subscribe to using your favorite app such as Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook or Apple iCal for the Mac. See the details in your site settings.
2009-11-12 A new language (Danish) has been added, so now your clients can make bookings in 9 languages.
2009-11-03 Planyo META sites have now been published. With a META site a single administrator can efficiently administer many Planyo sites and users can search across all resources of a META site. A typical use case is a site for tourism in an area (e.g. a skiing resort) with a number of independent vacation home owners taking reservations.
2009-10-26 Would you like to accept online payments but don't wish to pay the credit card processing fees? Now you can have Planyo add the PayPal fees to the amont to be paid by the user if they decide to pay online.
2009-10-23 As you can see in our pricing, we've lowered the Planyo PRO pricing of additional resources by 20%.
2009-10-22 We've added a possibility to use the PayPal Sandbox so you can thoroughly test the whole process including payments to avoid potential problems. You'll need to create a sandbox test account and change the payment method in site settings to use this feature.
2009-10-22 If you offer different services that take a different amount of time (e.g. a beauty salon) you can now have the users choose start time and service type. The system will automatically reserve the required amount of time for selected service type (e.g. 30min or 1h depending on service requested).
2009-10-05 We have an affiliate program with a 15% affiate commission paid not on a one-time basis but for the whole duration of a Planyo site created as a result of your referral.
2009-10-03 The first version of our API (Web Services) is now available to all Planyo users. Thanks to the API you can perform advanced tasks, such as automatically enter bookings, retrieve detailed info about reservations or resources, or integrate Planyo with your other applications. See this page for more info.
2009-10-01 Users speaking Swedish or Icelandic can now make reservations in these languages. More languages to come soon!
2009-09-03 New multi-language features! Now you can go to the custom translation assistant to not only translate Planyo's user interface into any language but also your descriptions and other content.
2009-08-26 If you have a large number of low-priced resources (e.g. bikes, bus seats, place in a language course) you should check out our Planyo PRO-COMM - commission-based pricing model. We have just lowered the commission to 1.5%. In this model there is no subscription fee. Check out the pricing details here
2009-08-11 Resource properties: now you can specify custom properties of your resources (e.g. number of guests, distance from the airport etc.). These properties can also be included in the search box that Planyo generates for your site.
2009-08-01 The integration assistant now allows you to use an Adobe DreamWeaver extension to easily integrate the booking system into your website.
2009-08-01 The integration assistant now allows you to use a module to easily integrate the booking system into your website.
2009-08-01 The integration assistant now allows you to use a Joomla! module to easily integrate the booking system into your website.
2009-07-31 We have completely redesigned the integration page changing it into a multi-step assistant. There are now two integration methods: simple (the booking process starts on your site and continues on or advanced (Planyo PRO only) where the visitor stays on your site throughout the process.
2009-07-01 You may now specify an external script (hosted on your server) that will determine both reservation price and whether booking is possible for given period. This makes it easy for Planyo to match every imaginable pricing and scheduling model.
2009-04-24 If you don't have a website, why not use Planyo's automatically created site as your visit card? Now your Planyo site can be accessed through an easy URL, such as
2009-04-23 You can now use desired date or time format so whether you're in Europe or in the US, Planyo will adapt to your country's standard.
2009-04-21 Customized user interface texts: you can now fully customize the texts that your visitors see. For example if you rent bikes you can replace the general word 'resource' with 'bike'. The same applies to any other text that the system displays to the visitors.
2009-04-15 You can now assign custom colors to reservations. The colors don't have any preassigned meaning, you may use them if you wish to group your bookings, e.g. bookings from friends can be marked green and those with special requirements red, etc.
2009-04-11 You can now integrate a slightly modified version of the calendar where it's up to you to specify the width of the calendar, so you're no longer limited to a very wide calendar preview.
2009-04-10 New pricing model (for some uses only, e.g. hotels, holiday apartments, yachts). In this model you pay no monthly subscription fee but there's a 3% commission on all online reservations. The reservations entered by you are free of charge.
2009-04-01 There are now two ways to accept online payments from users: optional payments where by making a payment the user self-confirms their reservation, or obligatory payments where reservations are always confirmed by online payments and are not valid without them.
2009-03-18 Planyo can now handle your email exchange with your customers. In the reservation details you'll find the 'messages' section where you can send/read emails sent to/from the customer.
2009-03-05 We have added two text tutorials to the Help section: Planyo set-up and finding your way around the administration panel.
2009-02-11 Detailed reports are now available, either sent to the admin daily/weekly/monthly or at any time by going to the reports tab of the admin panel. You can also download them in Excel-importable format (CSV).
2009-02-01 Personalized email messages can be now specified in site or resource settings. Now you can send separate emails (also with attachments) when a new reservation is entered, when a reservation is confirmed, or at any time before or after rental (e.g. a reminder 2 weeks before). It's also possible to include specific reservation data, such as user's name, resource name, rental time, a special cancel link, etc.
2008-12-24 Admins can now specify any additional data they want users to fill out at the time of reservation (such as number of adults and kids etc.)
2008-12-18 Planyo now works with resources that can be reserved for less than an hour. The start time and duration can now be expressed with a 15-minute precision.
2008-12-07 A special version is available for tennis and squash courts as well as all kinds of appointments (doctors, massage, etc.)
2008-11-19 Planyo is now available in Spanish. Clients speaking 6 amongst world's major languages can now make online bookings on your planyo site.
2008-11-10 Our offer now includes Planyo FREE -- a 100% free reservation system with no fees for anything. Planyo FREE doesn't offer all features of Planyo PRO, so make sure you check the differences between the two versions.
2008-10-30 You can now define min. time between two consecutive rentals (for rentals shorter than a day). This is useful if the resource you're renting requires maintenance (cleaning, refueling etc.) between rentals.
2008-10-29 Now you can define not only start and end weekdays (in seasonal settings), but you can also specify the allowed start hours for rentals that last less than a day. This is useful if you accept fixed-duration reservations for specific times only.
2008-10-28 When max. allowed rental time is more than one day and min. rental time is less than a day, users can now specify the exact start and end time of rentals on different days. Until now rental could have lasted either whole days or parts of a day.
2008-10-28 When rental time is fixed (e.g. events that always last an hour or two), users are no longer required to enter start and end times but only the start time.
2008-10-24 Planyo comes in new flavors. Special planyo sites with different domain names, texts and options matching the business type are available. At this time there are special sites for yacht rentals, hotels, holiday apartments and driver's ad schools. More to come soon!
2008-10-20 All accounts now have 5 free SMSes and 5 free faxes for testing purposes.
2008-10-20 Quick links are now displayed on all admin pages. They give you a one-click access to most pages.
2008-10-10 You can now specify separate seasonal settings with unique pricing, arrival and departure days, min. and max. rental times.
2008-10-05 Added a new type of calendar preview that can be integrated into your website. The new preview is very compact and square-shaped and can display an overview of one or multiple months at a time.
2008-09-15 You can specify discounts based on the number of time units.
2008-09-10 Possibility to set allowed arrival and departure weekdays.
2008-09-10 Planyo can now be enjoyed by both admins and users in 5 languages: English, German, French, Italian and Polish. Now you can automatically accept reservations from people who speak these languages.
2008-09-02 Amount of the online pre-payments can now be set by the admins as a percentage of the total reservation fee.
2008-09-02 Admins can make reservations regardless of any limitations they decide to set for the users, such as min/max rental time etc.
2008-09-01 Your company logo along with the link to your home page can be displayed on top of your planyo site's pages instead of the regular planyo logo
2008-08-24 Official launch of Planyo